There are many benefits to recording in real time. In this article we examine 3 reasons you may want to live stream your content.




In today’s fast paced world every second counts. For some information, it needs to be delivered in real time. For this problem the solution is live stream video.


It’s not rocket science, Time is money. 


Your customers and superfans need to know what you’re doing and why they should be doing business with you…. over the competition.

Luckily we have technology available that makes it possible to live stream and deliver to the internet as it’s going on. As I said before….. In real time.

In this article we will discuss what a live stream is and 3 reasons why you should consider a live stream video feed for your next event or promotional launch.

We recently were a part of a massive livestream event in San Diego at the Radi shell with celebrity speakers like DMC (of RUN DMC). It was a large event that was streamed all over the web for people to watch who couldn’t be at the event. The video could also be saved and chopped up into small digestible pieces of content for later use.

There are 3 main benefits to recording a live stream over pre recorded content:

  • Increase engagement
  • Fast turnaround (no post production)
  • Customer participation.

So what is a live stream video production?

Streaming is the method of transferring data directly into the cloud. It delivers the info one bitrate at a time. Live streaming Video Production is the process of broadcasting a video signal directly to a video platform so other people can see what you are broadcasting and participate . 

So why should you live stream?




If your goal is to capture eyeballs on your product or service there is no better than streaming a live feed. Many social platforms push live feeds above other content in the algorithm. This means simply when you stream live content you will be seen by more people. We have found that when customers engage with a live stream they stay glued to the screen in anticipation of what may happen next.

You don’t want to miss out on something because it’s happening ‘live’.




The second benefit to live streaming video is the fast turnaround. During a multi camera live stream recording process the mix of cutting between shots is getting done on the spot. This means there is no reason to re edit the recording. Most time spent in creating video content is done in the editing room. An editor has to piece together all the clips to make the video look good. This can take a lot of time and money to do. So another valuable benefit to live streaming is that you will have your recording done and edited right away. All the camera angles are cut in real time via a switchboard.

Having the finished product ready to go can also help you push out more content faster. You can take a live recording and recut new short clips of highlights from the recording for social media and other channels. 




The third and final benefit to using live streams is for customer participation. When you are streaming a video online, customers and those watching can ask questions in the stream chat that can be answered in real time. Someone could be in another country watching the feed and asking questions as if they were there in the same room.


Having the ability to answer questions and concerns on the spot is valuable to every business.

In conclusion, Live streaming can be a great way to broadcast your business, products or services!! If you’re looking to do a live stream contact us below.